Sunday, July 24, 2016


Hyper - Prefix

Hyper - Excessive

Hidr / - Word Root

Hidr / - Sweat

- osis - Suffix

- osis - Abnormal Condition

Hyperhidrosis - Abnormal Condition of an Excessive Amount of Sweat stemming from the armpit, palms and soles.

Saturday, June 18, 2016


Dermat / - Word Root

Dermat / - Skin

O - CV

- phagia - Suffix

- phagia - Eating

Dermatophagia - Eating of the Skin. Mostly Eating of the Skin surrounding the Fingers.

Thursday, June 9, 2016


Dermat / - Word Root

Dermat / - Skin

O - CV

Myc / - Word Root

Myc/ - Fungal

- Osis - Suffix

- Osis - Abnormal Condition

Dermatomycosis - Abnormal Fungal Condition of the Skin

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


A fungi that can causes superficial infections on the skin and hair.

Common Type

Athlete's Foot

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Dermatomyositis DM

Inflammation of the skin and underlying muscle tissue. An inflammatory disease occurring in children and adults. 

Some symptoms are muscle weakness, skin rash and soreness. 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Muehrckes Nails white nail bed

Abnormal condition that occurs in the nails were they appear white, transverse lines that appear on the nail bed.

It can be associated with this are hypoalbuminemia, liver disease, malnutrition, nephrotic syndrome and a side effect of chemotherapy.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Tinea Capitis

Tinea Capitis, commonly referred to as ringworm, a fungal infection of the  the scalp.